• Palazzo Martinengo

    Palazzo Martinengo

    Weaving the dialogue between the image and the museum space. This is the challenge of the exhibition project which…

  • Percorso al Buio

    Percorso al Buio

    Talking about art and its spaces in a new way through the activation of all the senses to make the museum space in…

  • Stai Project

    Stai Project

    Art as social dialogue. The project involves the insertion, in the natural environment of an urban park, of two sc…

  • Sarah Hilden Art Museum

    Sarah Hilden Art Museum

    The museum is conceived as a vessel of spaces and paths, in a harmonious relationship between solidified geometric…

  • Existenz  Minimum

    Existenz Minimum

    Museum exhibition project for the KUNSTHALLE WEST museum in Bolzano. Starting from the principles underlying Exist…

  • A voyage of forgotten pride

    A voyage of forgotten pride

    Pavilion setup project for the Ministry of Culture in Malta during the 2019 Venice Biennale Arte. The installation…